Wednesday 30 July 2014


What is happiness?
It is a state of mind.
It is a concept,
That is very hard to define.

It brightens up your day
And brings gladness to your heart.
It does away with the mundane
And gives life a new start.

Happiness is when
You finally let go of a grudge.
It is also when you see
A huge helping of delicious chocolate fudge!

Happiness is a feeling
That's very difficult to fake,
II's when your friend fulfils her promise
And bakes you cupcakes.

You can find happiness
Whenever you forgive and forget,
It leaves you light-hearted,
With no room to fume or fret.

You feel that joyful happiness
When you are finally content.
It's when every ounce of energy
On a good deed you've spent.

Happiness is insanity
It's when you lose your mind!
It defies all logic
It leaves the past behind.

Happiness is that wonderful feeling
That grows deep within you,
And if you nourish it carefully
It spreads to others too!

Happiness is an energy
That enlivens you after a tiring day.
It entices you and cheers you
When you see children at play.

Happiness is when
All your dreams are fulfilled
It is when you receive a reward
For all the hard work that you've tilled.

It is the blissful warmth in your heart
When you are with your near and dear.
As long as happiness resides within,
There is no place for fear.

It is like an inner strength
That can bring a glow on your face.
If we seek it, we shall find
It is also called God's grace!

Happiness has the power
To bring a smile to your face.
It is so contagious that it can affect
The entire human race!

Go and smile at someone,
Whenever you see them pout...
Tell them that happiness can make them beautiful
Both on the inside and out!

Monday 21 July 2014

I’m powered or Empowered??

“The drowning man takes hold of his own hair.”- A Lithuanian Proverb

With an amazing life to live
And parties all night long
Life is beautiful, life is bliss
Filled day and night with song

When they look at me, they see
A maiden, Oh so fair!
A little nudge here, a sly smile there,
Trying to get into my lair.

Little do they know or see
The person hidden behind the mask
They just assume I live like a deity
And no one cares to ask

A lonely person in my home
Neither filled with warmth or light
I need that little pill to get to the next day
Or fight another sleepless night

The horrors of the days gone by
Still leave me catching my breath
When, just to enjoy the heights of life
I nearly jumped to my death.

My friends all smoked it now and then
Yet, they seemed just fine
I guess, I finally went overboard
When I crossed the line.

My insides burned with fury
And I doubled over in pain
I swore I wouldn’t smoke again
But my oath went in vain

“A near disaster,” that’s what I said
“It really did me no harm.”
I didn’t realise I had turned deaf
To my body’s own alarm

So, back again, in my lair
This time would be the last
But my mind lost control over me
And my heart stopped beating fast.

There it was, that bright red light,
The stop sign, I had ignored
“Live a little,” Life whispered to me,
“Before you turn cold.”

My journey from there, my battle for Life
Made me realise I could be strong
I had the power to steer my own life
And judge when I was wrong.

So here I am, on my own two feet
Now proudly standing tall,
I know I can pick myself up,
The very next time I fall.


Tuesday 15 July 2014

Dare to be Different!

Ever looked at the parts of a jigsaw puzzle? They are all different shapes and sizes! Some rounded, cornered, jagged, crooked, straight, long, short etc. If you look at a single piece by itself, it holds no significance. But once you put all the pieces together, in their right places, you can see the bigger picture (pun intended).

All of us, are like these pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. We are all different. Some introverts, some extroverts. Some, by nature, are happy-go-lucky while others are sour pusses. Some studious while others sporty. Some street-smarts and some book-worms. Some, whom you can go to for advice and others just to laugh your lungs out with. We each have our own quirkiness and qualities. We keep grumbling about others, finding faults in them. But life would be so boring if all of us were the same. Imagine looking at a mirror wherever you go. Instead of always pointing out the differences, why not just accept them?  We all need a nerd here, a genius there, a prankster here and a counsellor there. These are the various ingredients that add a little zing and zest to life. After all variety is the spice of life!

We are all rough around the edges. But put together, we make up for each other’s faults and differences. We are the yin to another’s yang! Our differences are what actually makes us compatible with each other. In unison and in harmony we make the bigger and better picture. Everything falls into its own place.

So be proud of who you are! Never try to be like someone else. Your uniqueness is vital. Because if even a single piece of the puzzle gets lost, the picture remains incomplete.

Tuesday 8 July 2014

Living LIFE!

She felt on top of the world
Life, for her, had never been so good.
A good job, friends and a fiancé
There just was no reason to brood. 

Suddenly her life turned upside down
She started losing weight,
Pain racked her frail body,
She questioned God about her fate. 

The doctors prescribed many tests
She awaited the diagnosis with bated breath,
Cancer! Third stage! The words boomed in her ears
She resigned herself to an impending death. 

Regarding the chances of survival she had
The doctors sadly said it was too late.
They would do everything in their power
But the rest was left to fate. 

Their words hit her like a sledge-hammer
Her heart was all a flurry,
                                                There were so many dreams she had to fulfil
To accomplish them she had to hurry. 

Realizing she had limited time
She set out with a frenzied fervour,
To return a thousand times and more
The love that people had given her. 

She called her beloved to meet her
Knowing that marriage was not in her cards.
She broke the terrible news to him
Breaking their hearts into a million shards. 

In the recesses of the lonely, dark nights
She would shut her eyes and earnestly pray
Pleading, begging, asking God
Just to give her one more day. 

She was filled with despair
A feeling of foreboding within her grew,
She pondered about the life she had led
And wished she could begin anew. 

Determined to make the most of life,
Her eyes started twinkling with glee,
She gave up the illusion of control she had,
At last she was free! 

She visited all the places she loved
She dug her toes in the sand
Glided through the air on a ‘chute
She waited for her feet to land 

She went to meet her near and dear ones
To say her final ‘Goodbyes’
She told them not to grieve for her
‘Cause true love never dies 

The time came to part from the world
She had no regrets or pain
She thanked God with all her heart
For giving her the chance to live life again 

It’s not how many seconds there are in life
But how much life there is in every second,
She closed her eyes and breathed her last
As God, to her, had beckoned. 

Her frail and weak body lay there
But her vibrant spirit lingers on,
Let’s pray that this spirit of living life
Is never truly gone.

Tears Aren't Taboo

When was the last time you cried your heart out and did not apologise? When life got all messy with your nose running streams as muc...