Monday 6 August 2018

Tears Aren't Taboo

When was the last time you cried your heart out
and did not apologise?
When life got all messy
with your nose running streams as much as your eyes?
And your face looked like a thunderstorm waiting to happen?
You did not wait for the rain to disguise those tears.
You did not rush to the bathroom so you wouldn't be heard.
When was the last time?

Have you been stopping yourself from crying 
because they say 'girls cry all the time'?
Or you did not let that tear drop
because 'boys do not cry'?
You did not fully cry out your heart-break
when your heart was shredded,
your trust betrayed,
your dreams stamped on,
your expectations crushed.
You did not let your weary soul wail
and let out the pain it's been barricading.
You've been holding it all in for so long,
the wounds remain sore.
You've 'toughened' up
so much 
that you've turned your heart to stone.
You've stopped yourself from feeling,
letting the dams break
to release the reservoir within,
Because, they say, tears are for the 'weak'.

When was the last time you cried your heart out
and did not apologise for being the mess you aren't allowed to be?
When was the last time you cried your heart out 
and just cried?

The Deafening​ Silence

As she sat at her laptop, she paused for a while.
She was talking a whole lot without even opening her mouth.
Her fingers now moved faster across the keys,
Some might call it a skill
But she called it a handicap.
Her ability with words was slowly turning her speechless/
She wrote now, for others;
She spoke, for others'
She spoke, when her fingers flew across the keys.

Her space, as she called it, was right there.
It was when technology sat by her bedside when no one else did..
She did reach out to many, but that was in her 'virtual' space
In the physical... It was her and the damned device.

As her thoughts grew louder and louder
Her voice grew softer and softer.
She had so much to say
But no one to listen.
If someone were here would they want to listen?
She wasn't sure anymore if she could speak as easily and freely as her thoughts flowed.
No 'backspace', no 'delete' buttons, that she had grown so accustomed to.
As time passed she resigned to it,
She knew she would have to accept it,
She would gradually come to terms with the deafening silence!

Friday 13 April 2018

The Littlest Lights

It's always the littlest lights
The ones that flicker
The ones that waver
At the slightest attempt to put them out.
It's always the littlest ones.
Give them space to breathe
And a chance to grow
They'll steadily learn to shine
Even when the tough winds blow
And you'll see their light dance in your eyes.
It's always the littlest lights.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Some wrongs are forever

As she sat with her 4 year old
Teaching him how to read and write;
She decided to take the lesson further
And also teach him wrong from right.

“Freedom comes with boundaries”, she told him,
“Each person has their own space.
“Your freedom doesn’t allow you to invade their boundaries.
Promise me you’ll never bring me disgrace!”

Trying to figure out what his mother meant
He listened to her attentively, unfazed
“Every time you choose to act,” she told him, “Remember,
“There are some actions that can never be erased!”

Monday 9 April 2018

My angel in disguise

The universe heard a prayer
Sent up to the sun and skies,
“We need help here on Earth
Could you send down an angel in disguise?”

So the Earth was blessed with…
Well, she just looked human.
She was just like the rest of us.
What was God proovin’?

Then we began to see the wonders
This human could do.
Her wide eyes and infectious laugh
Affected others too.

Her magic slowly began to appear
When she sought to help others in need.
She didn't know that was to be her calling
Her vocation, her good deed.

It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows;
There've been plenty of falls.
She picked herself up, brushed herself off
And trudged onward through it all.

Battered and worn
Like a well-weathered stone,
She emerges like a diamond.
Through​ the process, she has grown.

Her brilliance lights other's lives
Guiding them to the right path.
Her heart is the fireplace we need
To bring warmth to our home and hearth.

Some angels forget they are angels
In their struggles on this Earth.
But we should always send up a prayer of thanks
For the day they were given birth!

Thursday 8 March 2018

Should we tell you what we want?

Should we tell you what we want?
What we really, really want?

A helping hand when we require. Yes, even in the household chores
Why we were assigned them at birth, nobody really knows.

Y'all seem the best hosts when you go out of your way to serve guests
But it's in the daily deeds and the people who know you that you need to impress.

We don't deserve condescension. Don't command, demand, expect or order
Talk with us, not at us. Would a simple request be too much of a bother?

Spend time with the children. You know, they're yours too.
To know and to cherish and not just to brag about others to.

We're not just better or worse halves. We do make a whole on our own.
When given the opportunity, more than the brightest stars we've shone!

Flowers and gifts are beautiful. But those won't change our lives
What we need is respect as equals, when that happens it will truly be a beautiful surprise.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Angels have Fallen

Life might finally get better for the down-trodden
Let’s thank the heavens, coz the angels have fallen
They are badass, they are strong
They won't accept life done wrong

You won’t see their wings, you won’t see their halos
You’ll feel their presence when the unjust receive blows

They’re finally here among us, they don’t apologise
When they untiringly work to call out the bad guys
You might try to look for them but you really need to see
They work their wonders in ordinary ways, they look like you and me

When you look around and see injustice, plunder, deceit and lies
Get to work, you. You might be an angel in disguise.

Tears Aren't Taboo

When was the last time you cried your heart out and did not apologise? When life got all messy with your nose running streams as muc...